Posted by miera angela , Friday, February 26, 2010 2:08 AM
No matter how much i tried to stay optimistic, but it is SO hard if it keeps on going on and ON~
They say ignorance is a bliss but i'm all out of ignorance. Can't keep on ignoring...
But you refuse to listen & keep on hurting me more~
Do u have to say those hurtful, mean words?
Can u please just stop? PLEASE?
I just wanna spend the rest of my days with u & only YOU!
So, until we figured out something to solve this, I'm gonna continue hanging on.
Anyway, thanks~
I'm just SO sick & tired of this & of YOU!
Stop breaking my heart, will ya???
Is there a limit to your annoyance?
U are the least person i like right now...
But why do i still wait for u????
Must be something wrong with me~
I don't even have time to update THIS blog coz i'm to BUSY updating the OTHER one~
Harap Maklum~
The thing is, i had this habit (don't know if its bad or not, but for sure its ANNOYING).
Don't know how it occurred but what i knew is, it won't happen when i chopped my hair short.
When my hair is long enough to tie or clip or bun, i will put my pens (for class) right in the middle (like when Chinese put chopsticks in their hair buns) for so called " it will be easy for my to take my pens when needed".
But the problem is, I AM SUPER FORGETFUL! (perhaps it comes with the age..*sigh*)
I will put a pen there after i finished writing something, then finds a new pen when i want to write again (because i thought that i might pit the pen back in the case). I will repeat the same action until all my pens in my case is gone then will start rambling all over to look for them EVERYWHERE!
I will panic & start to curse then i will ask everyone in class about where are my pens whereabouts.
Some people will notice, some won't or some notices but giggles & refuse to tell~
Once the class ends and when i touched my head or loosen up my bun, THERE THEY ARE!!!
Snugged nicely between my buns, ALL of them!
So, like always, i will feel embarrassed then laugh at myself while making a promise not to repeat it.
But like i state before, I AM SUPER DUPER FORGETFUL!
I will keep on doing it over & over & OVER again~
Such a beautiful song by Ne-Yo
for the way you changed my plans
for being the perfect distraction
for the way you took the idea that i have
of everything that i wanted to have
and made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
for the ending of my first begin
(ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
and for the rare and unexpected friend
(ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
for the way you're something that i never choose
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose
and never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here always
my accidental happily (ever after) (oh oh oh)
the way you slime and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
i must admit you were not a part of my book
but now if you open it up and take a look
you're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
who'd knew that i'd be here (who'd knew that i'd be here oh oh)
so unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh)
undeniablely happy (hey)
said with you right here, right here next to me (oh)
you're the..
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (said i needed oh oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (needed oh)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
baby baby
now it's so clear i need you here always
" Happy, happy CNY, happy happy U and I! "
I've been hearing that funky Chinese New Year song over and over again on 8tv until it got stuck on my head~ (to be honest, i kinda liked it..)
And it makes me think:
1. Mandarin Oranges!!! (never can get enough of them! i can finish like i whole box on my own~ =p)
2. Ang Pows : quite impossible to get for lack of Chinese relatives~ ( i don't even have any actually)
3. Perky & funny never-been-heard CNY songs on the radio..(don't understand but i just follow the beat, its FUN!)
4. Cool big-budget Chinese movies wit hawt, hawt, HAWT actors! ❤❤❤ *drools*
5. red, red, RED EVERYWHERE!!!
So, eventhough i don't know the true essence of CNY, (eventhough i looked like them =p)
but its fun to celebrate them together~
I know this is SO cliche, but in my opinion, this 1 Malaysia thingy is not such a bad idea~
I mean, what do we got to lose, RIGHT???
So, to who ever is celebrating, i would like to wish you all a very happy & prosperous Chinese New Year~
Sorry seems to be the hardest word, but from the bottom of my heart, i really, truly am~
I know it won't make much difference, but what had happened already did. I have my strong reasons...
I cannot change it, i only could try to make it better between us~
Well, at least i tried ~
Again, SORRY.....
I know ur gonna say this & that bout me (which is SO not true) on how i am just a mistake, BLA BLA BLA...
STOP doing it...
I'm not gonna start dissing u on the internet coz that won't make me any different than u~
I'm hurt as well, but just swallow your pride up & live with it!
Let bygones be bygones...
Just don't spoil whatever memories that was left behind...
I an happy now & i hope will be too.
So just, PLEASE~
I wish u all the best~
p/s: u were never a mistake to me. U were just a temporary blessing that GOD has taken back~
anyway, thanks for everything...
I spent the WHOLE day working my ass out cleaning the house & arranging my room eventhough im not feeling well just because u said u really wanted to move in, but why do u have to cancel at the VERY last minute???
GOSH! SO friggin tired!
u left me speechless~
This had happened since last semester...Every time someone confirmed to move in, in the end they will just text me & told me that they found somewhere else, they decided not to move, is pitying a friend, BLA BLA BLA!
i had ENOUGH!
fells like punching some one!
Next time, MAKE UP UR MIND missies!
GOSH! what a week!
i barely could open my eyes even till this day~
so friggin' exhausted!
But still, i had fun.,.(i guess)
Got back late from work yesterday and Akak is coming to visit (FINALLY, after weeks of persuasion..*sigh*)
I asked them to bring me to GIANT 13 coz i really, desperately needed a work shoe
(coz i needed a black covered shoes for work but i dont have any so i borrowed from my housemate.While walking to the bustop at 6.30 am (& it is still pitch dark!), tired and VERY sleepy, i could feel that something was wrong. So i looked at my shoes & the sole was not there! So i looked back & there it was! It was left behind & got detached from my shoe!
I cant help but to laugh at my self. Thank GOD there was nobody there...)
Then i stumbled upon a shoe shop with an irresistible offer!
Buy 1 shoe & get another 1 for only 88 CENTS!
I mean, i just gotta but 'em, RIGHT?So i got this baby for 88 cents (don't mind the ugly feet, just focus on the lovely sandals) & my work shoe for 39.90 (and a very GLAMOROUS 1 it is =p)
Aint i lucky???
Dont u just hate me.....
Thursday-Finish En.Fairuz's presentation drawing coz he needs to show it to his client (DONE)
Friday-Gonna be at PWTC from 7-6 with ESAN looking out for Uitm's booth there for En.Wan
Saturday-Opening of our blogshops booth at ARCHIFEST
Sunday-Working my ass off at a banquet event at SACC from 8-5
The things i have to do to support myself...But i don't really mind~
It's gonna be HECTIC HECTIC HECTIC, but i just can't wait!
This morning,while going down the stairs,i saw a very familiar cat lying underneath stacks of boxes in front of a house underneath mine.
I tried calling it, but there was no response. Feeling curious, i touched it with my feet & to my amazement, it was stone stiff.
i totally FREAKED OUT & continued walking.I felt guilty, sad & ashamed of myself for not doing anything~ But i was SO late for class!
I cant stop thinking bout the stiff body while in class~
I can only pray that the people leaving in the house will do something bout it...
But sadly,no~
When i got back, i hoped that the body is gone, but AMAZINGLY, it is still there!
Why those people don't do anything bout it?
Because it is impossible for them not to notice AT ALL!
The cat was lying in front of their doorstep!
I don't know if the cat was killed or not. But i just can't stop thinking bout it!
GOD! please help the poor kitty...
With shedding tears, I beg YOU~
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