88 cents????
Posted by miera angela , Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:08 PM
GOSH! what a week!
i barely could open my eyes even till this day~
so friggin' exhausted!
But still, i had fun.,.(i guess)
Got back late from work yesterday and Akak is coming to visit (FINALLY, after weeks of persuasion..*sigh*)
I asked them to bring me to GIANT 13 coz i really, desperately needed a work shoe
(coz i needed a black covered shoes for work but i dont have any so i borrowed from my housemate.While walking to the bustop at 6.30 am (& it is still pitch dark!), tired and VERY sleepy, i could feel that something was wrong. So i looked at my shoes & the sole was not there! So i looked back & there it was! It was left behind & got detached from my shoe!
I cant help but to laugh at my self. Thank GOD there was nobody there...)
Then i stumbled upon a shoe shop with an irresistible offer!
Buy 1 shoe & get another 1 for only 88 CENTS!
I mean, i just gotta but 'em, RIGHT?So i got this baby for 88 cents (don't mind the ugly feet, just focus on the lovely sandals) & my work shoe for 39.90 (and a very GLAMOROUS 1 it is =p)
Aint i lucky???
Dont u just hate me.....
88 cents?
i wonder if there is anything for guys stuff for just 88 cents? maybe half length half paired shoe lace... DAYMMM! :D